2015 > Organisers

Professor Helen Kennedy
Professor of Digital Society, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield
Helen Kennedy is Professor of Digital Society at the University of Sheffield. Over 20+ years, she has researched how digital developments are experienced by non-experts/citizens and how these experiences can inform the work of digital media practitioners. She is currently interested in the datafication of everyday life, and is researching public attitudes to data mining and related issues such as trust in data, data and inequality and what ‘good’ data practice might look like.

Dr Jo Bates
Lecturer in Information Politics and Policy, Information School, University of Sheffield
Jo Bates is Lecturer in the Information School at the University of Sheffield. Jo’s research focuses on two related areas: the socio-cultural and political economic influences on the production, sharing and re-use of data, and public policy on data access and re-use. She has conducted research on the development of Open Government Data policy in the UK and is currently researching the socio-cultural life of weather data.

Ysabel Gerrard
Research Assistant/PhD Student, School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds
Ysabel Gerrard is a PhD candidate in the School of Media and Communication at the University of Leeds. She is studying cultures of derision in social media fandom. The provisional title of her PhD thesis is: ‘Inequalities in women’s popular culture fandom: Online participation and teen television’.
The conference was organised with the invaluable support of:
- Wasim Ahmed,
PhD student in the iSchool, Social Media Manager. - Frances Humphreys,
Finance Officer, Sociological Studies. - Alistair McCloskey,
Digital Content Co-ordinator, Faculty of Social Sciences. - Jennifer Smith,
Marketing Officer, Sociological Studies. - Daniel Villalba Algas,
IT Manager, Sociological Studies. - Janine Wilson,
Departmental Secretary, Sociological Studies.