2019 > Organisers

Andreas Hepp
Professor of Media and Communication Studies, ZeMKI (Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research) Universität Bremen, Germany
Andreas Hepp is Professor of Media and Communication Studies with the Special Areas Media Culture and Communication Theory at the ZeMKI (Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research), Universität Bremen, Germany. He graduated in 1995 from University of Trier with an MA-degree in German Studies and Political Science, focusing on media communication. In 1997, he finished there his doctoral thesis on the everyday appropriation of television. Beside the University of Trier Andreas Hepp taught and researched at the universities of Karlsruhe (TH), Ilmenau (TU), Münster and since 2004 the University of Bremen. He was visiting researcher and visiting scholar at the Nottingham Trent University and the University of Sunderland, UK. In 2012 he was visiting fellow at the Department of Media and Communications, Goldsmiths, University of London, in 2015 visting senior fellow at the at the Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Andreas Hepp is involved the research network “Communicative Figurations” (as “Creative Unit” at the University Bremen funded by the German “excellence initiative” 2013 – 2016). He was co-applicant and PI of the DFG Priority Research Programme 1505 “Mediatized Worlds” (2012 – 2016) and member of the DFG funded Collaborative Research Centre 597 “Transformations of the State”, which ended in 2014. His main research areas are media and communication theory, media sociology, mediatization research, datafication of social practices, transnational and transcultural communication, and cross-media research.

Andreas Breiter
Professor of Applied Computer Science in Faculty 3 (Mathematics and Computer Science) Universität Bremen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter has been Professor of Applied Computer Science in Faculty 3 (Mathematics and Computer Science) at the University of Bremen since July 2008. At the same time, he heads the Institute for Information Management Bremen GmbH (ifib), a not-for-profit research institute at the University of Bremen. He is deputy spokesman of the interdisciplinary Center for Media, Communication and Information Research at the University of Bremen (ZeMKI). From 2004 to 2008, he held a junior professorship for the research field of the same name at the University of Bremen. Prior to this, he was a research associate in the Telecommunications Research Group at the University of Bremen for four years. In 2002, he was Visiting Scholar at Columbia University, New York, and the Center for Children and Technology.

Juliane Jarke
post-doctoral researcher Universität Bremen, Germany
Juliane is a senior researcher at Bremen University (since 09/2014), where she is associated with the Institute for Information Management (ifib) and the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI). Her research is inspired by the ever-growing entanglement of social objectives and technological tools. More specifically, she is interested in the ways socio-technical systems work and are made to work by looking at the interactions of people, technologies, organisation and practice. Her current research focuses on public sector innovation, digital (in)equalities and participatory design. It intersects the boundaries of Organisation Studies, Information Systems Research, and Science and Technology Studies (STS).
Prior to Bremen, Juliane worked as a research associate at the Centre for the Study of Technology and Organisation at Lancaster University. In 2013 she completed her PhD in Organisation, Work and Technology at Lancaster University Management School. She holds degrees in MSc Information Technology, Management and Organisational Change (Lancaster University); MA Philosophy (Hamburg University) and BSc Informatics (Hamburg University).

Monika Halkort
Lebanese American University, Lebanon
Monika Halkort’s research explores the intersectional dynamics of racialization, dispossession and enclosure inhered in digital infrastructures focusing in particular on contexts of political struggle, activism and humanitarian governance. Key themes include the coloniality and biopolitics of data power and how they affect claims for political autonomy and self-determination of stateless populations and refugees. The main geographic focus of her work is the Arab world.
Prior to her academic career Monika Halkort has worked as a broadcast journalist in Austria, Germany and the USA, producing award-winning radio and television documentaries for Public and Private Networks. Since the late 1990s, her media work has included web broadcasting, multi-screen video installations, and database driven narratives.

Helen Kennedy
Professor of Digital Society, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield
Helen Kennedy is Professor of Digital Society at the University of Sheffield. Over 20+ years, she has researched how digital developments are experienced by non-experts/citizens and how these experiences can inform the work of digital media practitioners. She is currently interested in the datafication of everyday life, and is researching public attitudes to data mining and related issues such as trust in data, data and inequality and what ‘good’ data practice might look like.

Jo Bates
Lecturer in Information Politics and Policy, Information School, University of Sheffield
Jo Bates is Lecturer in the Information School at the University of Sheffield. Jo’s research focuses on two related areas: the socio-cultural and political economic influences on the production, sharing and re-use of data, and public policy on data access and re-use. She has conducted research on the development of Open Government Data policy in the UK and is currently researching the socio-cultural life of weather data.

Ysabel Gerrard
Research Assistant/PhD Student, School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds
Ysabel Gerrard is a PhD candidate in the School of Media and Communication at the University of Leeds. She is studying cultures of derision in social media fandom. The provisional title of her PhD thesis is: ‘Inequalities in women’s popular culture fandom: Online participation and teen television’.

Tracey P. Lauriault
Assistant Professor, Critical Media and Big Data, Communication and Media Studies, School of Journalism and Communications, Carleton University, Canada
Tracey Lauriault joined the School in 2015. Her areas of expertise are, critical data studies; small, big and spatial data policy; data infrastructures and open data, open government, geospatial data, open smart cities, and the preservation and archiving of data. She is a research associate with the European Research Council funded Programmable City Project led by Rob Kitchin at Maynooth University in Ireland and the Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre at Carleton University in Canada. She is a Steering Committee member of Research Data Canada; on the board of Open North, a member of the Institute for Data Science at Carleton and is winner of the 2016 Inaugural Open Data Leadership award for Canada.

Merlyna Lim
Canada Research Chair in Digital Media and Global Network Society and Associate Professor, Communication and Media Studies, School of Journalism and Communications, Carleton University, Canada
Merlyna Lim’s research and teaching interests revolve around socio-political implications of media and technology, in relations to social movements, citizen participation, and social change. Using empirical evidence from Southeast Asia and the Middle East and North Africa, Lim’s current research attempts to analyze contemporary social movements, spatially and temporally, to offers an in-depth understanding of the relationship between movements, urban space and digital media. Prior to joining Carleton University, Lim has held positions in Princeton University, Arizona State University, and the University of Southern California, among others. In 2016, Lim was named a member of the Royal Society of Canada’s New College of Scholars, Artists, and Scientists.